Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bluegrass Concert

 This is a workshop held in the Yugo Inn - Old Train Depot - here in Lewistown.  Two bluegrass musicians came up from Bozeman and taught the workshop ... we had tickets to the dinner and concert after the workshop.
 This is Tom Murphy and John Lowell - both very good - we were amazed their fingers could move so fast! They were real entertainers also - told us about the songs before they sang about the Fergus County Jail - everyone laughed!
This is John at intermission - a lady that shared our table told him I wanted a picture with him - nice guy!  - no way was Harold going to be involved!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Billings Roller Derby

 This is the front of the program from Saturday night in Billings - it really is a 'bout' - women's boxing! on roller skates!!
 Yay for the Gallatin Roller Girlz!!  They were so much cuter and better dressed, course I'm a little prejudiced!
 We sure enjoyed spending a small amount of time with Sam and Stan - Julie was pretty busy!!

 The Star Spangled Banner - very impressive.
Julie is in the middle of this!!  I think she knocked an opponent down just after I took the picture!  Go Jules!

Snow Drifts and Ice Cycles

I think this is a cool picture - ice cycles on our license plate!!  Sometimes they fall off and stick up in the snow underneath them!
 Pretty snow drifts at the back of our yard.
 This is the snow drift that forms between the car and our back door - it is 23 inches today.
 Across the sidewalk where Dad throws the snow when he shovels it is 34 inches!!
I call this horse Black Beauty - he lives in the pasture behind our yard - this morning he had snow all over his back - but he was at the far side of the pasture - to far for a picture.  He has a shed to go into out of the weather but he doesn't use it much.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hockey Time

 This is our local ice skating rink -- on Saturday mornings it is open for anyone who wants to play hockey.
Notice the warming shed in the background.  It was fun to watch for a few is challenging and crazy - but they all seemed to be having fun.  They also teach lessons and have open skating - Dad's not too excited to go.

Deer by the antler arch

 I thought it was funny that this little deer was eating our grass - right next to his ancesters antlers!!
She looked up when I took the first picture ... notice her brother and mother across the street eating on the hospital lawn.  We have had about 10 inches of new snow since Friday when I took these pictures... I'm still loving it - Dad shoveled three times today - the wind makes drifts around our house and walkways.

Lewistown Hoppers

 Friday night we attended the Fergus High School boys basketball game - I get a free athletic pass for being a sub and Dad's ticket was only $6.00.  Our Relief Society President has a jump rope group in town - the Lewistown Hoppers - and they were going to perform at half time.
 They did really well and it was fun to watch them - double dutch no problem for them!
Some of the kids back flipped into the turning ropes!!  did the splits in the middle of jumping, etc.  Of course we left after halftime - but it was a fun Friday night.

Second Grade

 The Second Grade classrooms I subbed in last week had a Valentine's Day Door decorating contest - I really liked these two and thought I would post them .
 The students made a Thing Number for a fun activity ... this teacher has each student with number to pick up their papers, line up, and other things.
 Here is the second door - Hershey's kisses!
 One of the classrooms had this small love seat sofa that I thought something like that would do well in our small living room...last month when our Home Teachers came we all sat on chairs - nothing wrong with that but Dad really wanted a sofa.
We heard about this one on the local "Flea Market" radio show - while we were eating dinner one night last week - we called and went out to see it and bought it ... then the man we bought it from put it in his pickup truck and hauled it to our house, helping carry it in!!  We like it and the price was good also.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lewistown Winter

 I was sub teaching at Fergus High School last week - this is the whole student body at a Pep Rally!  pretty small - but loud!
 Please notice how you adapt black garbage cans to be a garbage chute if you need to!!  Pretty inventive I think.
This is Jack's Hanger at the Lewistown Airport...we attended the Library fundraiser here - pretty hep!

Big Snow

 Last week we really felt like a Montana winter!  bitter cold - around zero without the wind chill factor... and 10-12 inches of beautiful new snow! This is our front yard - notice the antler arch piled with snow.
The back yard where it piles up as we shovel and the wind blows drifts - isn't it pretty?