Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt in Montana

 We went to the Community Easter Egg Hunt today - here children are coloring eggs, before the hunt.
 They gave the 0 - 3 little ones a few minutes head start - then the 4-8 went at it!
 Opps - this picture should be first - see all the colored eggs on the ground in the snow?  The temperature was 18 above and it was cold! Notice about the middle of the crowd .. one of our sweet Mennonite neighbors and children - with plain buckets for their eggs - love it!
There were lots of happy kids - and cold parents!  Did we ever have snow in Boise at Easter?  Happy Memories.

Family Home Evening

 The Cantenno Family and the Ricks Family came to our house on Monday evening for a Family Home Evening.  We had an Easter lesson and frosted cookies for them to take home.  It was really fun to have little ones in our home.
 Brother Ricks is from Dillon, their boys loved the marble game - as usual!!
Yummy cookies - frosted by experts!!  Sister Cantenno is our Primary President.  She does a great job at it!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Boys and Punch Balloons

 The Kroeber boys playing with the punch balloons that Grandpa brought them!
 Lots of fun!
Nice that they can 'punch' each other and not get hurt - much!!

Family Party

 The Kroeber and Smith families had a great time celebrating Briella's blessing - lots of good food and good company...cousins had a great time playing together.
 Briella sleeping through her 'party'!
 Baden and Talus love the boys playroom!!
 David and Isaac and legos - notice the white doll cupboard that Gramps made for me 60 years ago!!
 Baden taking 'the force' down stairs!
Aunt Polly and Briella enjoying a nap on the couch - it was Sunday afternoon, after all!!

Briella's Blessing

 Briella Maree Kroeber received a beautiful blessing from her Father.  Heather got her dress online and made the bonnet to match.
 Mommy and Daddy and their pretty little girl!
 All the Priesthood men who were able to be in the circle to help Briella.
 Kate and Ben Mortensen family at the church.
 Chris and Polly Williams also at the church.
 Lindsey and Dan Fairbanks family at the house.
 Ben and Emilee Pike and boys at the house.
Chris and Heather Kroeber family plus Smith grandparents at their house.

Family at the Eagle Court

 Emilee is really good at eating a brownie while holding a baby!!
 Polly and Keenyn - he loves his Auntie Polly.
 The 'girls' and me - pretty coordinated color wise - huh?  it was accidental!!
 Anna and Olivia - the younger cousins look up to the older ones - and this picture is a perfect example!
Tal and Isaac on the church couch - they would run across the foyer and crash on one ... and then run across the foyer to crash on the other one!! Boys and their energy!!

More Eagle Court

 Chris giving Kyle his Eagle Pin - Kyle had one for his mother, Polly, Chris, and several Scout Leaders, including the Bishop - we were impressed with his gratitude to others who had helped him.
 The Eagle's Nest speaking the Scout Pledge - Kyle the newest member!
 The Smith Family representatives in the Eagle's Next - All seven of our Son in Laws have their Eagle Scout award - Stefan the Chief Scout award in Canada - we are at 100% - all sons and in laws - and Kyle begins a great tradition for our Grandsons!!
Kyle's display table - you can see the carved Eagle better - nice display for a great young man.

Eagle Court of Honor

 Kyle at his Court of Honor - he is holding the hand carved wooden eagle our friend in Jamaica carved for him ... and the neat Eagle Box that Polly and Chris got him.
 Joel was happy to pass out the programs for Kyle...Eli was sad he forgot to wear his Cub Scout shirt.
 Yeah for Kyle - starting a great tradition for the other grandsons... Eagle Scout!!
They had to put up more chairs so many people came to honor Kyle - yeah!!