Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Program

 This is one of the statue's at our city's Veterans Memorial.
 The program for Memorial Day was very good - old soldiers shot their blanks - three times, man in western dress in the background played Taps on the trumpet - moving.
 We brought small flags to wave during the wreath laying ceremony.
Retrieving the colors along the walkway - moving speaker and nice prayers.  We are so grateful for the men and women who have fought for our freedoms, and are continuing to do so.

Bird House and Feeder

 Here is the Bird House Stan made and our bird feeder in our crabapple tree in the front yard.
We have already had birds feeding - hope they move into the house soon!

Lewistown Cemetery

 These are two graves in the Lewistown City Cemetery - don't know if it is the dogs grave or if the dog is guarding their masters graves - just had never seen this before so I thought I would share it.

Monday, May 20, 2013

First Montana Fish

After FHE Dad went down to the local frog ponds and caught his first Montana Fish!!  Brook trout one 12 inches and the other 14 !!  Yummy dinner tomorrow night!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Our New Flag

We have a flag pole in our front is Armed Forces Day and we wanted to fly the flag.  We found one downtown and bought it - looks great!  Our little stick one that we put out on the front porch - blew away last year in a wind storm!

City Clean up

 A Brownie Scout troop in town sponsored a Broom and Breakfast this Saturday morning.  They had several business donate food and they fed you breakfast and you signed up to sweep the sidewalks of a block of downtown - sprucing up for summer visitors.
 Here is Dad doing one of our assigned sidewalks.  There was so much dirt and rocks he went home and got the square nosed shovel - better than a broom.
Yay - for community service!  It was a good way to begin our Saturday.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sunday Fun

 Sunday picture before Stan and Julie had to leave.
 After church.
 What a haul!!  thanks to all for the great stuff!
Sam's card about Mom Spit!!!  so funny - I told him next time I see him I will spit on my hand and rub his face ... he suggested I delete the middle man and just spit in his face!  not a chance.

Drive in the Mountains

 We drove up the Crystal Lake road as for as we could - it had a gate across is with about 7 more miles to go and we decided not to hike it!
Riddick loves to chew on sticks!

Mother's Day

 Stan and Julie drove up from Bozeman on Saturday, May 11th - here they bought me lots of pretty flowers and great tomato plants for our garden.

Stan said the tee shirt company he worked for in Bozeman made these for Springville High!

Friday, May 10, 2013


We received an envelope from Uncle Tom's second daughter Nicki - this is her son.  I'll bet this is happening all over the church this year!!  Graduates on May 24th - leaves for the Mexico Peublo South mission on June 7th!!  what a terrific deal - and what a beautiful city to serve in - and Polly says the food is awesome also!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fromm's first time at Cafe Rio

 We had the distinct pleasure of introducing the Fromm Family to Cafe Rio - a new one opened in Wenatchee just the day before we got there - yummy!

Shelby soccer

 We watched Shelby's team win a game - 3 - 1, and then we watched Shelby referee a younger boys game.
She was so cute - loved the whistle and directions she gave the young boys.

More Parade

 Prancing horses - very interesting.
 Shelby took most of these pictures, for a school assignment.

Our fearless runners!  great job all three!  only a mile run, but still!!

Wenatchee Apple Blossom Parade

We had a wonderful visit in Wenatchee, WA with Heidi, Stefan,Jordan, Kacey and Shelby
 The Seattle Police motorcycle drill team - terrific (unless they are chasing you!)
 Gold Star families marched with pictures of their departed loved ones - very impressive