Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Buck Deer

 I know the picture is fuzzy - I had the camera on night and didn't realize it --- but this is a picture of two white tail bucks - one four point - closest to the tree and the other two point - they were in our front yard but by the time I got the camera out they had traveled across the street to the hospital building.

 Dad bought and put together three more bookshelves - so the books look great!  This is the guest room so come up and use it!!  Part of the family photo gallery also....beautiful people all.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Winter Wonderland

 Our cute little Christmas tree and stuffed animals - Merry Merry!
 Jennie's STAR has been on our tree since 1975 or so!!
 Our sidewalk with the wind blowing a snow drift - glad we have another door at the back of the mud room.
 Dad shoveling the 8 - 10 inches - very beautiful snowfall.
 Our Christmas lights on the porch railing and antler arch!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Baptism Dec. 7th

 Friday evening we had a baptism at the Church.  Ashley and James - two friends that the elders have been teaching ever since we came here.  They asked us to say the prayers when we fed them Wednesday night.
What a wonderful way to begin the celebration of the Savior's birth!  The room was full of Ward members to support them and the elders did a good job...spirit was strong.  They both are so happy and finding more meaning in their lives ... they had a couple friends come that the elders are teaching also - hope!!

Wrapping Gifts

 On Thursday, Dec. 6 - I went to Harold's work and helped wrap gifts - all day!  they had set up a 'store' were the residents could purchase presents for their families ... or themselves!  the kitchen made hot chocolate and warm cider and lots of Christmas goodies.  It was a fun and tiring day - it was nice to work with some of the people that Harold's works with everyday and they were very appreciative of the help.
 Very yummy goodies - they have a great kitchen director - she is a fabulous baker.
In the room there is this bird cage - lots of little twitty birds in it ... it is on it's way out - the recreation director told me.  I kind of liked to hear them sing ... but then I don't have to clean it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Montana misc.

 This is our back yard sidewalk - from our back door to the car.  We had just a bit of snow but it showed the deer footprints and a bunny crossing!!  love it!
 Sunrise was so pretty this week...looking out of our front door.
 We got this cute Christmas rug at a thrift store for one dollar - happy holidays!
 Dad's new office - he has changed the desk to be across the room now - the dog lives at the facility and her name is Katie.
The coconut Nativity set that Elder Larsen carved for us in Jamaica - love it and them.  Remember they had their 50th wedding anniversary last summer - and this is their third mission!!