Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Buck Deer

 I know the picture is fuzzy - I had the camera on night and didn't realize it --- but this is a picture of two white tail bucks - one four point - closest to the tree and the other two point - they were in our front yard but by the time I got the camera out they had traveled across the street to the hospital building.

 Dad bought and put together three more bookshelves - so the books look great!  This is the guest room so come up and use it!!  Part of the family photo gallery also....beautiful people all.

1 comment:

  1. caught up on your blog this morning. we are jealous of the snow! even of shoveling. :) i LOVE the lights on the antler arch! super fun. and the baptism is so cool. glad you can keep doing missionary work. love and miss you.

    ps - i had forgotten about the star.
