Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fairy Camp - Fairy Law

 Here are three Fairy Grandmothers ... we had Fairy Camp with some of our granddaughters in CO. Becky and Sue had done other FC in Logan - lasted three days - we did from 10 - 4 at Sue's house.
 Sue was the Fairy Law Fairy - Becky the Magic Fairy and I was the Nature Fairy - lots of fun.
 Each small fairy choose a special Fairy Name - and were assigned a Fairy Sister - oldest helped the youngest.  The older cousins were a big help - Maddie and Savanna Smith, Gwen Mitchell, and Savanah Mitchell.
Aunt Sue explained the Fairy Law is in three parts:  1. Be kind to others and yourself, 2. Take care of the wonderful world we live in, 3. Look for magic in everything you see and everyone you meet.

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