Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth of July

 Here is the Montana Mental Health Nursing Care Facility Van full of clients and the banner that Harold and I held in the Lewistown Parade...the Missionaries had bags of candy and tossed it to children along the route...8 blocks down Main Street!  The missionaries came to dinner on Tuesday and their directions for the Fourth were to be visible downtown - so Dad asked them to help us throw candy for the State Home - and they did.  The staff know them anyway - they visit a couple of members there often.  It was fun.
 There was free ice cream at the Fergus County Museum - so in honor of Emilee we went there.  There are some 100+ year old wedding dresses .. plus the stories of their use.
 Three brothers got married the same day - neat story!
 Jake Rattlesnake - and his desperado partner came into town -Lewistown- on the 4th of July 1884.  They were drunk and started shooting at anyone on the street - hit and killed an innocent bystander - Ben Smith! and then the town sheriff and deputies shot them... pretty sad story.
 In honor of Polly, Jennie, Julie and Lindsey (and all teachers)- here is the old schoolhouse - no ghosts in this own like the one at Bannock, near Dillon!  I have some of the books on the desks!!

 In honor of Heidi, Ben and all nurses - these are from the old Saint Joseph's Hospital - I think you would lose the baby in the six foot long dress!
Here is the parade from the top of the hill - the 'float' in front of us was a nice black pickup truck - with the Princess of Winifred (small town near here) in it!  Gotta love living in Montana - were the Princess rides in a pickup truck!

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