Monday, December 30, 2013

Kroeber's Christmas

 We took some pictures before church, Dec. 22nd - happy family!
 Grandma and Grandpa loving being with the fun Kreober kids.
At their front door!


 We asked the usher to take our picture by the Nutcracker - it was cold outside!
 Cute Annabelle, Momma and Grandmother - we love the Nutcracker!
No pictures during the performance so we got this quick one of the stage as people were coming in.

Pocatello Dec. 21, 2013

 Joel and Anna sweeping snow from the front porch steps.
 Not a lot of snow but good shovelers!
 Kate made this in high school and I love it for the focus on the Savior amidst all the 'clutter' of Christmas.
On our way to the Nutcracker.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sunrise and Christmas Lights

 Beautiful sunrise and our antler arch Christmas lights - Lewiston, MT - Dec. 18, 2013
 different angle
Our house, tree in window, lights on stair railing and arch.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

More Children's Party

 The movie they liked the best and watched the most was the Grinch!!
 Making no bake candies - such good helpers!
 More stirring and eating of the ingredients!
 Cute little ones having fun!
Two tired Christmas Elves!!  One of the mothers picking up her child said:  This was the best Christmas present ever!!

Children's Christmas Party

 Sister Jackie Hall agreed to help me this year, with the Children's Christmas Party - here she is helping frost sugar cut out cookies - glad we have such a big table!
 The Marble Game was a hit - as usual!
 Making pine cone birdfeeders - smear on the peanut butter, roll in birdseed and you're done!
 Watching Rudolf, Frosty and The Grinch that stole Christmas - at least two are watching!
Playing with the wooden Jerusalem Nativity Set - notice Dad's childhood toy box in the background.

Montana State Bobcats Plane

 Waiting at the Seattle Airport for our flight to Billings - we saw this Montana State Bobcats Horizon Air plane land!  Later we saw it up closer at the terminal - fun!!

Dad with a statue of Walter Jones - at Sea-Tac airport - Dad's cuter!

Monday, December 16, 2013

More 50th Party

 Jean taught dancing for many years - Polly took lessons from her!  Some Christmas song came on the audio tape - maybe Sleigh Bells, anyway - Shannie, Nicki and Jean all started dancing to it!
 They remembered most of the steps - many years later - everyone clapped for them!!
 Nicki, Tom and Shanni - the cousins about the same age as Polly, Heidi, and Jennie in our family.
 Harold Tom and Janice - the siblings.
Fun pictures, the black and white one at the bottom was taken in Green River at a Thanksgiving - we have ours of our first three children also - Polly, Heidi, and Jennie.

More 50th Party

 Tom and Jean at their wedding reception.
 whole line - Harold had gotten home from his mission in October - this was December 19th, 1963.
 Closer shot of the handsome brother of the groom!
 Jean's wedding dress, shoes and veil.
Tom and Jean.

50th Wedding Anniversary Party

 Table decorations at the 50th Party.
 Jean's original bouquet and tree ornaments from their wedding Jean's cedar chest for 50th years!
 Shannon and her husband.
 Nicki and Uncle Tom.
Janice and Wayne and the party going on behind them!

Mesa temple and lunch with friends

 We had a great couple of days in warm Arizona!  Tom and Jean's 50th wedding anniversary was the cause.  When Jean said she was working in the temple in the morning I wanted to be in the session she was working, so she loaned me a skirt and blouse and Tom loaned Dad a white shirt and tie and there we were! Loved it!
 Here are the Flakes and Daniels - wonderful friends from the Jamaica Kingston Mission.  Flakes have turned in their papers for their third mission and Daniels trained us in the mission office - love both!
 Daniels gave us tangerines, oranges and tangelos from their yard - delicious!
 Fun Christmas decorations in Gilbert, AZ.
Tom and Jean, us, and Janice and Wayne at Tom's house - delicious dinner!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Twenty-five below zero!

 We have had the coldest weather either of us has ever lived in!  high's - 5 lo's -25 !!  but the snow is pretty!
 Stan told us to put up a snow fence so the drifts don't block our driveway - it works!
Our Norfolk Pine living tree - hope to plant it in the spring!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sunday at the Fairbanks

 Fun waking up to sweet little girls playing with their toys!
 Ready for church and playing with their babies - Sadie lifts her shirt to 'feed' her baby!
 All the Fairbanks - we sure had a good time staying just one night with them.

Grandma and Grandpa Smith and Georgia, Olivia and Sadie.