Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Anna's Baptism

 Grandpa Smith was so pleased to be able to baptize Annabelle - her Grandpa Mortensen confirmed her.
With big brother Joel - who will be ten December 15th!
 Both Smith and Mortensen grandparents, parents and sweet Annabelle in white!
 Yummy food after the program - thanks to the Mortensens and Smiths for providing it.
 All the grandchildren that were there - sure wish ALL 28 could have been with us!  Eleven was pretty neat.
 The Smith side of the family - reminds me of the picture outside of the Tabernacle when all of you were baptized.
Anna's Baptism Doll - we had such a pretty day for all the awesome happenings.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day. Nothing better than be surrounded by the people you love most in the world!!
