Sunday, April 27, 2014

Loading up to Move

 Harold loading the U-Haul truck - April 3rd, 2014.
 Side view - we have too much 'stuff'!
 Whole truck - thankfully the missionaries came over and did some compassionate service loading the heaviest things for us.  Glad I fed them so many dinners.
 Stan driving the U-Haul, Julie driving their car, next I was driving our car, last was Dad in our truck.
Quite the convoy!!  We had sun, rain, snow all on the way to Idaho...a little sad to leave Montana - but excited for Idaho also.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Deer on the Lawn

We are going to miss looking our our front windows and seeing the deer eating on the lawn across the street!  Wild deer roam this town like dogs do in other towns - love it!  You have to wait for a deer to cross main street sometimes - course they were here first - or their ancestors were!

Sam's quilt

This is Sam's quilt for his 30th birthday - more than a month late!  Most were his old tee shirts - Wet Your Waders, Respect the Rock - it was really fun to make and he likes it!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Primary Pioneers

 Here is the Lewistown Ward Primary with the Pioneer bandana's for boys and sunbonnets for girls - cute!
 It was really fun to make these and the Primary kids were really excited about them.
One little girl wanted a pink one and the next day I happened to drive by her house as she was getting home from school and she had her bonnet on!!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Charlie Russell Museum Great Falls Montana

 This is part of the Browning Gun Collection at the Charlie Russell Museum in Great Falls, Montana - awesome old guns and pistols and this is about half of them.
 The blue frame house is the Russells in Great Falls - they moved there in 1900.  Next to it the log cabin was built for an art studio, in 1903.  Most of the painting he did after 1903 were done here.
 The governor commissioned a painting for the State Capitol and Charlie had to raise the roof two logs to make the ceiling high enough to paint the large canvas.
 Handsome Harold at the museum gift store.
They have a great interactive area for kids to climb into the teepee and feel the buffalo robes, etc.  Dad wanted this picture so you would all know we are really losing our minds!  It was fun!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

snowy march II

 As the snow melts it looks like tiny clothes on the clothes line!
Our neighbors garage - cornice with ice cycles hanging from it!

Snowy March

 We woke up to this beautiful snowstorm - at least I said it was beautiful and Dad said - yes if it was December!  Notice the snow on the clothes lines and the chain link fence!
 Tree in our front yard - so pretty.
 Neighbors pine tree.
Pretty scene across the street at the hospital - it should get up to 40 degrees today - it is 15 right now - so all this snow should melt...I'll enjoy it while I can.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Deer Bed

 This is a deer bed that Dad found outside this morning - we feel it is warmer near the bricks of our flower bed.  Glad we can help out the deer - they eat our plants but we eat them!

Wood burning stove and snowy park

 I didn't include this picture of the wood burning stove in the Mini-trek post - isn't it something?  Sister Hansen making lunch in the background...we made bread and rolls in the oven, taco soup on top - it was all very yummy.  I learned that certain woods give out more heat and you have to try and keep a constant temp.  So glad I have an electric range and oven - very impressed with our pioneer mothers who used these.
 This week one of the girls I mentor and I were driving by a park we like to visit in better weather - look closely the snow is over the swings!!
 The baby swings have about another 3 inches clearance - lots of snow!
The playground equipment - pretty buried!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Snow - Snow and more Snow

 Here Harold is shoveling - again - our back walkway.
 The Snow Fence is buried!!
 Drift of snow over the sidewalk.
View from our bedroom window!

Sunday, February 23, 2014


 It was fun to make sunbonnets for the YW for the mini trek - they are going to make their own for the big trek in June - but these are so fun and easy that I made them - the polka dot one has a story behind it.  One of our less active Laurels was wearing this very short, kind of immodest dress to church - I told her I needed that fabric for a project would she sell me her dress?  yep - for $25.00 - so I made her a pillow for Christmas that she said she loves ... and then had enough left over for a sunbonnet!
 The leaders one's I made out of calico - funny story.  At our small fabric store I went in and asked for calico - the lady that owns it said - that;s it!  I was ordering today and could only think of gingham - checked - she couldn't think of calico!  I think they turned out great and the girls loved them.  They actually kept the wind out of their faces as the walked the road.

 Making pine needle baskets - I order long pine needles very cheaply on line - 8-10 inches long!
 One of the YW brought a non member friend who was cute and did everything...later Saturday night we went to the grocery store and she was there with her family.  Of course we left early - you know your Dad! but she said she had finished it and even showed us a picture on her phone!  she had taken it to show another friend!


 Harold by the old barrell wood stove in the cabin - was plenty warm - we had to open windows - and it was 25-30 outside!
 Two old people in an old cabin - no electricity  - have solar panels and a water tank outside - have to pump to get it into the sink... outhouse in the back yard!

 Two of the YW cooking on the wood stove - we made soup and rolls for lunch.

Old tools in the barn

 Older tools in the barn - Bro. Hansen taught the youth the difference between a rip saw and a crosscut saw.  He had them build a frame for a wall with using only hand tools, also dig a post hole and a friend of his came over and trimmed the horses hoofs and put on horseshoes.
 Old Anvil and bucket of horseshoes.
Hardy's tractor's cousin - far distant cousin - thousands of miles away!

Lewistown Ward Mini-Trek

 Our Lewistown ward held a mini-trek for our YW and YM on Saturday, Feb. 22, 2014.  Brother and Sister Hansen have a mountain cabin out of Grass Range - a small town 30 miles east of Lewistown.  The youth had to walk from the front gate of their 80 acres - up the road about a mile and a half...all made it!
 Isn't it pretty?
 The boys pulling the pony cart - didn't have a handcart but this worked!  arriving at the cabin.
Girls and YW leaders bringing up the rear...and Bro. Hansen - so he could close the gates.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Snow at the old house

 The renters were coming to  move in so Jen needed to vacumn and touch up at the old house.  The kids had fun sledding with their friends on the front hill.
 See how deep the snow is with the footprints?  Dad had a hard time clearing the front walkway of snow and ice.
 Sophie and Grace sledding.  
After Church on Sunday - and before the snow on Wednesday!