Sunday, February 23, 2014


 It was fun to make sunbonnets for the YW for the mini trek - they are going to make their own for the big trek in June - but these are so fun and easy that I made them - the polka dot one has a story behind it.  One of our less active Laurels was wearing this very short, kind of immodest dress to church - I told her I needed that fabric for a project would she sell me her dress?  yep - for $25.00 - so I made her a pillow for Christmas that she said she loves ... and then had enough left over for a sunbonnet!
 The leaders one's I made out of calico - funny story.  At our small fabric store I went in and asked for calico - the lady that owns it said - that;s it!  I was ordering today and could only think of gingham - checked - she couldn't think of calico!  I think they turned out great and the girls loved them.  They actually kept the wind out of their faces as the walked the road.

 Making pine needle baskets - I order long pine needles very cheaply on line - 8-10 inches long!
 One of the YW brought a non member friend who was cute and did everything...later Saturday night we went to the grocery store and she was there with her family.  Of course we left early - you know your Dad! but she said she had finished it and even showed us a picture on her phone!  she had taken it to show another friend!

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