Monday, October 29, 2012

Family Reunion

 On Friday, we met at our parents graves in Provo - Derrell didn't make it this time.  We had a great time visiting and laughing.  Next was dinner at Sizzler's - good food and great company!  Saturday we did a session at the Provo Temple before the extended family party at Heather's church building.
 Here are Lindsey, Sydney (Heidi's oldest daughter) Emilee, Heather, Kate and Polly - five of our daughters and Sydney - who came from college in Rexburg, ID.  It was lots of fun to be together.
Here are all our grandchildren who were there - Kyle holding Baden, Joel, Eli, Anna, Olivia, Keenyn, Isaac, Talus and Sydney holding Sadie - there were a couple of cousins also - Mitchells from Logan, Smiths from Spanish Fork , Smith's from Payson - wish more could have come. Yay for family parties!

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