Monday, October 29, 2012

Primary Programs

 We were so happy to be in North Carolina when the Hardy Grandchildren had their Primary Sacrament Meeting Program - all the kids did their parts really well - very well!  Proud of you, Sophie, Grace, Luke and Noah.
 Last Sunday we were happy to attend Eli and Isaac Kroeber's Primary Program - they both did their parts well and sat on the stand the whole meeting.  There must have been about 100 Primary kids in the ward.  Made for nice singing!
 Just yesterday we were able to drive to Hyrum and attend Joel and Anna Mortensen's Primary Program.  Aunt Polly went with us and we all had a great time... Joel and Anna did real well - we are so proud of all the grandchildren and wish we could have seen the other's programs also.
Grandma and Grandpa Mortensen came also - Families are Forever!  Polly and Grandpa Smith were still in the church building - and Joel and Anna needed to get to their Primary classes.

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