Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Three Weeks gone

Hello all who read this blog - I left on Dec. 13th - flew to Denver and had the privilege of staying with 6 darling GRANDchildren and my sister Susan for the weekend.  Our laptop, meanwhile, crashed and had to be taken to the computer hospital - where is still is on Janaury 2nd!  something about parts having to be received!!  Hopefully it will be fixed this week and I can download all my wonderful pictures from the holidays.  Had a blast in CO - Frontier Airlines cancelled my flight to Provo - so I missed our new granddaughters birth - but was there five hours later!  Loved being near so much family for the wonderful Christmas events.  For New Years we noticed a short article in the Great Falls Paper about First Day Hikes.  Many of the state parks in the country host a First Day Hike - celebrate New Year's Day with a hike in the wonderful world of our State Parks!  We went Home Teaching on Sunday, because Dad's partner got sick and one of our brothers told us he was moving to Great Falls - he had his little one room at the senior housing all packed up.  We told him we could come and help and bring someone else also.  Turns out he needed us at 8:30 AM on New Year's Day - I thought our plans for the day would have to be changed and that was okay - nice to start out a new year doing service!  The missionaries were at a District Meeting so we asked the High Priest's group leader and he and his wife were there with us and we finished by 9:20!  So we made the trip to Great Falls, the hike started at noon at the First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park.  All state parks are free for Montana Residents who have paid their license fees - Dad did ours in December.  We had a great time and again - I'm anxious to post pictures and tell the story - soon!

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