Sunday, February 23, 2014


 It was fun to make sunbonnets for the YW for the mini trek - they are going to make their own for the big trek in June - but these are so fun and easy that I made them - the polka dot one has a story behind it.  One of our less active Laurels was wearing this very short, kind of immodest dress to church - I told her I needed that fabric for a project would she sell me her dress?  yep - for $25.00 - so I made her a pillow for Christmas that she said she loves ... and then had enough left over for a sunbonnet!
 The leaders one's I made out of calico - funny story.  At our small fabric store I went in and asked for calico - the lady that owns it said - that;s it!  I was ordering today and could only think of gingham - checked - she couldn't think of calico!  I think they turned out great and the girls loved them.  They actually kept the wind out of their faces as the walked the road.

 Making pine needle baskets - I order long pine needles very cheaply on line - 8-10 inches long!
 One of the YW brought a non member friend who was cute and did everything...later Saturday night we went to the grocery store and she was there with her family.  Of course we left early - you know your Dad! but she said she had finished it and even showed us a picture on her phone!  she had taken it to show another friend!


 Harold by the old barrell wood stove in the cabin - was plenty warm - we had to open windows - and it was 25-30 outside!
 Two old people in an old cabin - no electricity  - have solar panels and a water tank outside - have to pump to get it into the sink... outhouse in the back yard!

 Two of the YW cooking on the wood stove - we made soup and rolls for lunch.

Old tools in the barn

 Older tools in the barn - Bro. Hansen taught the youth the difference between a rip saw and a crosscut saw.  He had them build a frame for a wall with using only hand tools, also dig a post hole and a friend of his came over and trimmed the horses hoofs and put on horseshoes.
 Old Anvil and bucket of horseshoes.
Hardy's tractor's cousin - far distant cousin - thousands of miles away!

Lewistown Ward Mini-Trek

 Our Lewistown ward held a mini-trek for our YW and YM on Saturday, Feb. 22, 2014.  Brother and Sister Hansen have a mountain cabin out of Grass Range - a small town 30 miles east of Lewistown.  The youth had to walk from the front gate of their 80 acres - up the road about a mile and a half...all made it!
 Isn't it pretty?
 The boys pulling the pony cart - didn't have a handcart but this worked!  arriving at the cabin.
Girls and YW leaders bringing up the rear...and Bro. Hansen - so he could close the gates.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Snow at the old house

 The renters were coming to  move in so Jen needed to vacumn and touch up at the old house.  The kids had fun sledding with their friends on the front hill.
 See how deep the snow is with the footprints?  Dad had a hard time clearing the front walkway of snow and ice.
 Sophie and Grace sledding.  
After Church on Sunday - and before the snow on Wednesday!

Snow in the Woods

 Molly and the lane down in the woods on the Hardy Family Farm.
 Pretty little creek that goes through their property.
 Hardy House in winter - at least winter of 2014.
Snow fort in the foreground, chicken coop in the middle and the pretty pine trees with snow on them at the background.  Felt strange to have it so cold and snowy in North Carolina!

Snow in the Morning

 Next morning we woke up to four more inches!   Jason plowed the driveway and Grace and Noah burrowed into the plowed snow and made snow caves!
 Sophie and Luke tried to make an igloo - only got the walls up - but it made a great snow fort to throw snowballs behind!
 Fun in the snow!  I asked Dad if he wanted to come out and play with us - he said he thought he left snow in Montana!!  Actually Jennie and Jason's flight from Charlotte was cancelled and there were no rooms or rental cars available so Dad drove down to rescue them!!
 Jason giving rides on the sled in the snow - good ole Henry Ford the tractor.
Noah and Molly in the driveway - see the tractor with sled behind them?

Snow at Night!

 It began snowing a little after two o'clock on Wednesday - School was cancelled because they knew the storm was coming.  It just kept coming down and there was about four inches at night when we went out to play in it.
 Lots of snow for North Carolina!
 Four Snow Angels!   and Angel Grandchildren!

More Hardy Family Farm

 The chickens came out of their hen house when it was warm and before the snow came!
 These are turkey vultures on top of a house near Jen's - I thought they were statues at first!  Jen said there must be a dead deer close by.
 Making a Welcome sign for Mom and Dad - our Family Home Evening Activity.  Sophie taught the lesson the first Monday we were there and Grace the second - they did awesome!!
Yay - Mom and Dad and home - and the airport is closed so Grandma and Grandpa can't leave!


 Biggest bowling pin we've ever seen!
 Luke and Noah bowl like pros!!  they were terrific - course the rails helped a little bit.
 Grace would throw the ball and then turn around and walk back to us - then look to see if any pins fell down!  There were funky lights and loud music - but fun!
 Sophie bowling - Grace resting!
Luke and Noah watching with Grandpa - we all had a great time.

More Children's Museum

 Lots of fish and turtles - and wonderful grandchildren!

Dinosaur bones!

 The Children's Museum had a visiting exhibit of the most complete T-Rex bones ever found - 90% complete - Grandpa isn't too happy here because it costs extra to get in!  Jennie and Jason have a family pass that allows two adults and four children - but we weren't the 2 adults on the pass!  Not a problem - it was a great learning experience.
 Digging for bones!
 At the Aquarium.
 Noah and Luke in the sea exploring thing.
Sophie and Grace with the penguins!

Hardy's Family Farm

 Grace holding Sadie and Sophie holding Cammie - the kittens are tamed now are really cute.
 Sunning on the table - I guess we should start calling them Cats not Kittens - they are fun to watch.
 Last October when we went out to help the Hardys move - we took down the trampoline - now five months later we got to help put it back up!
 The kids were very excited to have it back up and helped putting in all the springs.
 Could hardly wait to jump - Grandpa was still fixing the pad around when they just had to try it out!
 More crazy jumpers!