Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Aunt Betty's service

 Dad likes to read the Deseret News and noticed in the obits on Sunday, Jan. 26th, that his Aunt Betty Stones had died!  We were flying out to NC on Saturday that week, but the funeral was on Tuesday, Jan. 28th - so we quickly made arrangements to drive down to be there.  We were really glad we made the effort - here is Dad at his Grandpa and Grandma Jones graves - Sandy, Larkin Sunset Gardens - notice the statue of the Savior - that's how we knew where to look for the graves.
 Grandma Phyllis' parents - (and Betty's)  Thomas Naylor and Mary Magdalene Winkler Jones
 This is Aunt Janice with her cousin, Darlene - when they were teenagers they spent a lot of time together.  Darlene came to Oregon to live with them one summer and Janice spent time in Salt Lake with Darlene's family.  One time they were hanging out at Liberty Park - they got to talking to some teenage boys there and the boys asked them their names - the said Janice Smith and Darlene Jones - yeah right - the boys didn't believe them!
 Closer look at two beautiful ladies - not too bad for seventy plus years!
 Dad asked another relative (can't remember who) to take a picture of the four of us - kind of thought he might wait until Uncle Wayne was with us - and had closed his mouth!! oh well - just four old people!!
Here is the gravesite - they had four sons, Roy Jay, Michael, Dennis and Brian.  Michael Stones is an MD in Logan - Kate has been to him - he actually found Lynelle's heart problem and probably saved her life!  Dennis and Brian were in Gramps Early Morning Seminary Class in Glendale area of Salt Lake.  On the front row is Michael's wife, Michael, RoyJay's wife and Roy Jay.  At the luncheon afterward it was good to reconnect to that side of Dad's family.  Betty was Grandma's youngest sister - next is Aunt Wanda - who lives in Fairview CA, and is 90 years old.  Janice said when Aunt Wanda dies - I'll be the oldest in the family!! We had a nice time - thanks Lindsey and Dan for letting us spend the night - nice to see Emilee and boys and Polly and Chris for dinner.  We hurried back to finish getting ready for our North Carolina trip.

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