Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Buck Deer

 I know the picture is fuzzy - I had the camera on night and didn't realize it --- but this is a picture of two white tail bucks - one four point - closest to the tree and the other two point - they were in our front yard but by the time I got the camera out they had traveled across the street to the hospital building.

 Dad bought and put together three more bookshelves - so the books look great!  This is the guest room so come up and use it!!  Part of the family photo gallery also....beautiful people all.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Winter Wonderland

 Our cute little Christmas tree and stuffed animals - Merry Merry!
 Jennie's STAR has been on our tree since 1975 or so!!
 Our sidewalk with the wind blowing a snow drift - glad we have another door at the back of the mud room.
 Dad shoveling the 8 - 10 inches - very beautiful snowfall.
 Our Christmas lights on the porch railing and antler arch!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Baptism Dec. 7th

 Friday evening we had a baptism at the Church.  Ashley and James - two friends that the elders have been teaching ever since we came here.  They asked us to say the prayers when we fed them Wednesday night.
What a wonderful way to begin the celebration of the Savior's birth!  The room was full of Ward members to support them and the elders did a good job...spirit was strong.  They both are so happy and finding more meaning in their lives ... they had a couple friends come that the elders are teaching also - hope!!

Wrapping Gifts

 On Thursday, Dec. 6 - I went to Harold's work and helped wrap gifts - all day!  they had set up a 'store' were the residents could purchase presents for their families ... or themselves!  the kitchen made hot chocolate and warm cider and lots of Christmas goodies.  It was a fun and tiring day - it was nice to work with some of the people that Harold's works with everyday and they were very appreciative of the help.
 Very yummy goodies - they have a great kitchen director - she is a fabulous baker.
In the room there is this bird cage - lots of little twitty birds in it ... it is on it's way out - the recreation director told me.  I kind of liked to hear them sing ... but then I don't have to clean it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Montana misc.

 This is our back yard sidewalk - from our back door to the car.  We had just a bit of snow but it showed the deer footprints and a bunny crossing!!  love it!
 Sunrise was so pretty this week...looking out of our front door.
 We got this cute Christmas rug at a thrift store for one dollar - happy holidays!
 Dad's new office - he has changed the desk to be across the room now - the dog lives at the facility and her name is Katie.
The coconut Nativity set that Elder Larsen carved for us in Jamaica - love it and them.  Remember they had their 50th wedding anniversary last summer - and this is their third mission!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Faye's Quilt

This is the darling quilt that Emily made and sent to us in Jamaica last year ... it was our favorite Christmas gift and it keeps on giving!!  Faye was born November 9th, and we get this in time for Christmas - so impressive and an heirloom for sure!  Notice the Christmas moose stuffed toy - Montana addition to the three others - down from the thirty at one time!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our Christmas Tree

 Here is our little tree with decorations and lights on  - - not too bad for the money we paid.  We like it!  Since I am leaving early Dad will probably want to take it down before Christmas!!
 The even smaller tree that is in the second bedroom - love decorating a little bit in the whole house - especially Nativity Sets - never remember enough the great gift given to all of us at Christmas time. and that the Savior is the Light of the World.
 The special Christmas Box and Nativity set that Lindsey and Emilee sent us in Jamaica - thanks girls.
Our old Nativity Set that Aunt LaNore made many years ago - the donkey's ears are gone, one of the wise men has lost most of his arm and we glued the big camels head back on - again.  Thanks Kacey for the Joy to the World plaque that is the center piece this year.  Looking forward to seeing most of you soon.

Inside the train

 I tried another picture of the North Pole when the train was stopped - not much better - sorry!  It was pretty neat to have the snow along to add to the charm of the evening.
 Here is Harold Elf serving hot chocolate - not very hot - and cookies to the guests.
 This little boy was so happy to see Santa walking near the train - he climbed up on the table and pressed his hands and face against the window - soo cute!
 Santa came on the train and stopped at each table to talk to the children ... Mrs. Claus gave out candy canes and gathered letters to Santa from the children.
 When this little boy - four years old - saw Santa walking outside the train he yelled: I want a bike!  It was funny.  We asked different sets of children to ring the bells when we sang songs.  We ended with Silent Night as we pulled back into the unloading station - nice that it was in the songbook.  Most of the children were in their pajamas, had blankets and stuffed animals along for the ride.  Sure wish some of our grand kids would have been able to participate.  Maybe next year.  

On the train

More Train

 We changed the Elf ears hats for these Santa ones - much more comfortable!  Dad's friend at work made the jingle bells necklaces for us.
 Here are the people lined up for the 5:30 train - the snow was so pretty and it wasn't too cold.
 Families in the car for the first ride.  We gave the children name tags so Santa could call them by name - of course he knows all children in the world ..but sometimes he needs a little reminder.
 After the train goes along for about 10 minutes and we sing some Christmas songs - then in the distance you see the North Pole!! sorry about the blurry view - the train was moving.  Once it stops we get to serve hot chocolate and Christmas cookies and it gets very busy!  Santa actually comes out of his house and walks down to the train, waving to the children who are soooo excited about the whole thing!

Christmas Train Adventure

 Here are the first group of Santa's helper elves Saturday at the Christmas Train - the lady in black at the back is the one Dad works with that asked us to help out - we were by far the oldest elves!!
 This is our part of the train that we were assigned to - we put a song book and napkins on each table - cleaned up afterward and got ready for the next group - one train ride was 5:30 - 6:30 another one was 7:00 to 8:00.  We were amazed at the distance some people drove to ride  - Billings, Great Falls, etc.  It was lots of fun.
 Just as we were getting ready for the first loading it started to snow!  perfect and magical for the children and me!  this is the engine - the first car is the kitchen...and dressing room for Santa.
 This is where the people line up to board the snowed about 3-4 inches while we were riding - so pretty.  All the cars have names - we were happy to be assigned to the Kingston Junction car - having served in Kingston and Junction Jamaica!!

Getting our Tree

 As we drove to the Judith Mountains to cut down our Christmas tree - we met this herd of cattle coming down the road - they are big!
 Here we are looking for the perfect tree.
 Found it!  Took Dad all of three strokes with the bow saw to cut it down ... by the way he hopes one of you have his old chainsaw - if it is even worth having anymore!
I thought these were dog tracks ...but Dad was more dramatic and said they might be wolves!  Someone had butchered an elk or deer near by - we saw the big blood patch on the snow and magpies were having a good time - free lunch - with the guts left behind, buzzards circling overhead - the whole wild west bit!

Country Christmas Events

 This is the flyer that was in all the stores downtown and in the paper for all the fun events of Thanksgiving weekend ... maybe next year some of you can come and enjoy them with us!!
 We picked up a $5.00 permit on Friday and went Saturday morning to the area and got a cute little Charlie Brown Christmas tree!
 Here is the map that the BLM gave out so we could cut the tree where we should - - there were lots of trees and not many people.  None around us - about three cars on the road ahead of us.
 This is my Christmas present early - a nice 5.5 cubic feet freezer.  Stan brought us a big sack of elk meat, frozen and we used what Stan calls the "Montana porch freezer" - outside!  until Friday when we got this.
This is the new to us bed we got for company to sleep on ... both Polly and Chris and Julie and Stan said it was really good - - come and try it!!  Course Kyle and Bekah got the blow up mattress on the floor - but they were good sports about it.