Sunday, November 25, 2012

Inside the train

 I tried another picture of the North Pole when the train was stopped - not much better - sorry!  It was pretty neat to have the snow along to add to the charm of the evening.
 Here is Harold Elf serving hot chocolate - not very hot - and cookies to the guests.
 This little boy was so happy to see Santa walking near the train - he climbed up on the table and pressed his hands and face against the window - soo cute!
 Santa came on the train and stopped at each table to talk to the children ... Mrs. Claus gave out candy canes and gathered letters to Santa from the children.
 When this little boy - four years old - saw Santa walking outside the train he yelled: I want a bike!  It was funny.  We asked different sets of children to ring the bells when we sang songs.  We ended with Silent Night as we pulled back into the unloading station - nice that it was in the songbook.  Most of the children were in their pajamas, had blankets and stuffed animals along for the ride.  Sure wish some of our grand kids would have been able to participate.  Maybe next year.  

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