Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our Christmas Tree

 Here is our little tree with decorations and lights on  - - not too bad for the money we paid.  We like it!  Since I am leaving early Dad will probably want to take it down before Christmas!!
 The even smaller tree that is in the second bedroom - love decorating a little bit in the whole house - especially Nativity Sets - never remember enough the great gift given to all of us at Christmas time. and that the Savior is the Light of the World.
 The special Christmas Box and Nativity set that Lindsey and Emilee sent us in Jamaica - thanks girls.
Our old Nativity Set that Aunt LaNore made many years ago - the donkey's ears are gone, one of the wise men has lost most of his arm and we glued the big camels head back on - again.  Thanks Kacey for the Joy to the World plaque that is the center piece this year.  Looking forward to seeing most of you soon.

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