Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Birthday number 68

Wow - A whole month has come and gone since I last posted on this blog!  So August 2013 held so many fun wonderful things to do that I didn't take time to post about them - until now.  First was my twin brother Derrell and my birthday August 4th - not too bad being 68 years old when we have such wonderful blessings to help us celebrate!  Actually with it being Fast Sunday, I remembered several years ago when we were all living in Ellensburg, WA and Aug. 4th fell on Fast Sunday and ALL of my children bore their testimonies in Fast Meeting - best present EVER.  For the first time in 68 years I didn't have my picture taken on my birthday!!  It was a lovely day and I appreciated all the cards, gifts and phone calls - nice to feel loved!

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