Saturday, September 14, 2013

Montana State Football Game

 Happy Bobcat Football fans!  Stan and Julie had us down to Bozeman today for Dad's birthday football game!  They gave us the cute shirts and we cheered loudly as the Bobcats won, 26 to 0 - over Colorado Mesa from Grand Junction.
 Cute couple!!  The regular starting QB for Montana State was injured and the starting QB today was a student that has helped in Julie's classes ... she said he is one of the best students to help that she has had.
 Beautiful overcast day, the sun came out a little, but mostly was cloudy and nice.
 Touchdown right in front of us!  Go Bobcats!  The MSU ROTC fire off a cannon with each score - loud!
Julie's Bionic woman scar - she is getting more mobility every day and will heal with full range of motion - modern medicine miracle!!  Her PT says she is doing awesome - and her OT does too!  Course we always knew that.  When we walked into their house today, Stan was mopping the kitchen floor - yay!  It was a fun pre-birthday day - we feel blessed to share even a little bit with family - Thanks Stan and Julie - loved it!

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