Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rockport Dam Jam August 9th, 22013

 August 9th, our family began a mini reunion at the Rockport Dam Jam.  Julie was raised there as her father was the Park Ranger for many years.  He started the blue grass jam 20 years ago and many of the kids have been before and enjoyed it.  Here Stan and Julie decorated the pavilion with 20 years of tee shirts.  It was pretty cool and the wind was blowing a ton when we first arrived.  It calmed down in time for dinner and the shows.
 Chris is cooking their cowboy beans for the pot-luck-- everyone else is giving him pointers!
 Yay - the Hardy's and Kroebers have arrived.
 Yay - the Fairbanks and Fromms also in the parking lot.
 Uncle Stan organized a 'backwards' race with all the boys - except they fell over each other and we had tears after about 10 feet - oh well.
Sisters talking and talking and talking - Nina, from Austria, between Sydney and Heidi.  Lindsey 2 weeks from having Georgia - but she didn't know it!

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