Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Deer in our Yard

 This is looking our our front room window at the hospital across the street.  If you look closely you can see four deer ... there is an old apple orchard just to the right of the picture ... and there is usually deer around it.
This afternoon these four deer were in our front yard!  The tree is a crab apple tree and they were eating the ones that had fallen down.  I'm glad our garden area has a tall fence around it!

1 comment:

  1. so i am a bit behind...just got caught up on your blog. i LOVE seeing all the pictures of your new town and house. makes me feel a little like i know it there. the old buildings are beautiful. the antler arch is a hoot! when in your life will you ever have one of those again?! dad in his big fluffy snow coat made me smile. it doesn't seem like that long ago you were sweating in jamaica. love and miss you so much!

    oh and you should probably change your description thing as you no longer are in jamaica or work for the church officially. :)
