Saturday, November 10, 2012


 This is the Fergus County Courthouse - sign on the front door says: "No weapons allowed in the building".
No metal detector - no police - so different from LA!!
 Here is our City Library - original Carnegie built in 1905 - new wings added and really nice and friendly.  The application for our library cards were two 3 x 5 index cards - wanted our names, address, and phone!
No proof of residency, no credit application, no utility bills - love it!!
The pretty plant the Pikes sent for a Homecoming gift - the small gas fireplace thing that we don't know how to turn on - notice the meat hooks on a rail above the bricks - Julie and I were wondering what to use them for:  Dad said he'd go down town and buy a ham and hang it!  Julie said to hang our Christmas stockings frm them and when we got the Thanksgiving decorations out it seemed a good place to hang some of them.  Most  of the other rooms have boxes still be be unpacked so I'll send more pictures later.

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