Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wheeler Farms

 Wednesday afternoon we drove to Wheeler Farms to meet Em and Lindsey and children.  Derrell and LaNore and Ryan with four boys came a little later - oh also Sterling, Ben's daughter.
 We were standing on the sidewalk talking, Ben Pike rode his bike to Draper and then back to meet up with us - Ryan thought he was a random stranger just waiting for us to get out of his way so he could continue his bike ride - pretty funny at the time.
 We had a nice pizza dinner - thanks Grandpa!  Dan came over after work also.
 Olivia and Tal loved all the play equipment - we loved watching them have so much fun - they are great cousins and friends.
 Sadie wasn't too sure about the ducks and geese - we kept her safe!
Baden was his happy self - when eating or drinking!  He would climb up the play thing without us noticing - what a great job!  Just as we were leaving, Derrell and LaNore noticed Sterling didn't have her glasses - so we searched in the dark - a family who were just leaving also helped us - and that man found the glasses! Helped that he had a flashlight to shine off the lenses!  Thanks strangers, for your kindness to us.

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