Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Julie and Stan and Riddick came to Lewistown from Bozeman for Thanksgiving - yay!  nice to have family and fun to cook dinner in my big kitchen!
 Dad carving the turkey - he likes to have the meat all ready to eat when it is placed on the table. Polly thanks for the mulled cider seasoning - it was warm and delicious.
 Here we are just sitting down to dinner - we even got Riddick a leather chew and doggy treats.
Stan and Riddick enjoying the football games after dinner - thanks Julie for washing the dishes.

1 comment:

  1. love the pictures. you had a fun thanksgiving. kids are super glad you included pics of riddick! lewistown looks like a fun place to live. love the parade with lighted equipment, etc. love and miss you!
