Sunday, January 27, 2013

February Decorations

 When Julie and Stan helped us move in - we laughed about the 'meat hooks' above the fireplace -  - but they have come in real handy in using our seasonal decorations!  I love the Joy to the World plaque that Kacey made for us a few years ago - I think I will leave it up all year around!
 The little brown bear in the red hat and cape was in my Valentine's decorations - does it belong to any of you?  Do you want it?  Be glad to send it on to a loving home!!
 This old Ford Truck is at Dad's work - I pick him up now at the back of the building ... I love this truck!  they still use it for runs into town - about a 1950-1952 Dad says - good old truck...Rackety Boom type.
We walked around the neighborhood Saturday morning and coming around the corner of the hospital we found this pretty sight!  This doe and twin fawns have been around the neighborhood since we moved in November 1st.

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